Modern Warfare Remastered Game Review! – Will

Here I’ll be giving my personal opinions on the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. The game was released on November 4th 2016 as part of a bundle with Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. The price of both games together was £60/70 which is very steep considering there was no way to purchase Modern Warfare Remastered on its own. I believe that they did this to boost sales of Infinite Warfare as the reaction from the audience was very underwhelming. Related image

There was so much hype built around this game as everyone wanted to see their favourite Call of Duty game remastered with up to date graphics and simple gameplay because everyone is fed up with the exo-suit, robotic future warfare.

Is the game really worth the ridiculous price? Is it good enough to justify paying that much money? Well I’ll answer those questions for you right now.

Time To Review

When it comes to the actual game itself it does not let the players down. It has all the features from the original Call of Duty that everyone knew and loved and even threw in a few extra things such as new camos for the weapons. The most obvious change from the old game to this one is the very large increase in the quality of graphics which is it’s main selling point. As you can see in the image, the game looks so much better than it used to.

Image result for Modern Warfare Remastered

Image result for Modern Warfare Remastered

The multiplayer is still the exact same as it was 9 years ago but with many, many upgrades. This is why the fans are having such a reaction to the game because they are all reliving their past memories of one of the best first person shooters to date.


  • Better Graphics
  • Same Game, Better Gameplay
  • Stable Servers
  • Lots of Players
  • New Features


  • Not All Maps Made a Comeback
  • Have to Purchase Infinite Warfare as well

Should you purchase this game? Yes – but only if you thoroughly enjoyed the original.

-William Campbell

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